THRIVE in Transition Mastermind Circle: Practical Coaching Conversations

For women over 40 that are transitioning to a different space in their life and are ready to live their new life to the fullest 

This series of conversations explore how you can successfully navigate disruptions in your life.

Whether you are transitioning from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, from a difficult marriage to being divorced, from actively working to retirement, or moving across country or to a different culture, transitions can be overwhelming and draining.

Massive life disruptions strike you at the core of your being.

They create meaning vacuums, in which you feel frightened, overwhelmed, and stuck. 

A disruption might be voluntary (we leave a bad marriage, start a new enterprise) or involuntary (we get laid off, become ill). Yet a transition to manage the disruption is voluntary.

You must choose to create your blueprint and go through the process of turning your fear and overwhelm into renewal and transformation.

All transitions have well-proven phases of psychological reorientation. A process that people go through when they are coming to terms with change. These phases are well researched and have been part of the change literature for many years. It’s a simple concept. But when in the midst of disruption, we tend to forget it.

  1. Preparation or anticipation if it’s a voluntary transition or facing reality when it’s an involuntary event.

  2. Endings and letting go, in which you mourn the old ways, the old you, the old realities.

  3. The messy and frightening “no man’s” zone, where you are shedding old habits and creating new ones.

  4. New beginnings, in which you find new equilibrium, and unveil a fresh new self. It’s a time of new energy, the discovery of a new sense of purpose, of a new identity. It’s a time to celebrate and innovate!

Your inner attitudes toward life, your renewed self-knowledge, and your intuition are really the hallmarks of your new beginnings.

Once the new directions become clear, it is time to take action to make things happen. Time to identify yourself as traveling on a new course. Then it’s to complete the process step by step.

New beginnings incorporate some continuity from the past. You never give up the old completely, but use what you need from the past as a resource for your journey into the future.

Transitions can be an awesome opportunity to leave behind negative habits of being. You can then find your path to thrive and reconnect with yourself.

The THRIVE in Transition Program will give you a roadmap to navigate your transition.

THRIVE stands for: T-Transitions, H-Holistic wellbeing, R-Refocusing I-Inner Wisdom, V-Visualization and E-Energy.

Join us in this journey to THRIVE.

You want so badly to be "that woman." You know the one I'm talking about, right? the one with. . .
  • a successful career path, clear eyes and purposeful steps that lets the world know she is valuable and can do anything she decides to do.

  • a contagious smile that attracts people because they can sense her calm, peace, and bubbling joy.

  • the ability to show empathy and compassion at the same time she is assertive enough to forge her own path and lead others.

You feel you are far from being "that woman." Instead, you tend to. . .
  • complain to your friends and family about your hard and unhappy life in all its variations of transitions (work, divorce, children, friends, etc.).

  • read many self-help books and listen to inspirational podcasts without doing anything different.

  • make many efforts to "improve" your life but fall flat on your face.

Let's face it. . .

You are tired of struggling and want to recapture or develop the happy fulfilling life of your dreams.

Transitions can be tough.

You thought reaching your next milestone would make you happy, but you have tried on your own to turn the tide of negativity, and are tired of failing time and again. 

You feel drained instead of fully alive.

You keep falling into depression, anxiety and stress, and you fear that you can't get your life together.

You are wondering. . .

Will I ever come out on the other side of this transition, live my dreams and find the success and happiness I crave? OR will I continue to feel like a failure?

The good news is that You DO have a choice!


OR you could. . .


By the end of our journey together you would have learned to move through your transition, listen to your heart, love with gratitude, think with wisdom, and THRIVE!  Let’s do this!


Why you can trust me as your guide

I’m Dr. Ada Gonzalez, a Psychotherapist, coach, and change expert who has successfully worked with many people from different parts of the world for more than 30 years with tremendous success. I help women transform their lives. I can help you navigate important life transitions and safely conquer new challenges in your life while listening to your heart and designing your best self so you can enjoy a thriving life. A big part of my success is due to the fact that I have also navigated successfully many life transitions. I’m now ON A MISSION TO MOVE WOMEN FROM TRANSITION SURVIVING MODE INTO THRIVING! 

I know what surviving mode is like. . .

I grew up in communist Cuba. For many years, because of the political and educational restrictions, I was just surviving.  Then at 18 years old I left Cuba for Costa Rica via Spain. On that journey I faced many challenges:  different cultures, no money, no friends, and no family. Talk about surviving mode!

Yet, in spite of the many obstacles, somewhere along the way I decided to include in my learning how to enjoy the life of freedom I had embraced. I had learned how to be miserable in Cuba, now it was time to learn how to thrive away from Cuba.

I left Cuba with a great thirst for knowledge because due to political reasons I had to stop going to school after 6th grade. So, in the next 1 1/2 years in Costa Rica I finished 6-12 grades.

In the next 4 years as a Foreign Student in the USA I succeeded in finishing my College degree as bachelor of music, with classical piano as my major.

I then went on to finish an MA in Educational and Developmental Psychology. 

On that educational journey I not only had to conquer finances and relationships but also struggle and learn a new language.  

After finishing my Masters, I went back to Costa Rica, where I married and had my children.

Because I wanted to be home with them, I started giving piano lessons. Although piano lessons were not too well-paid at the time, it gave me the freedom to be at home while making enough money to make ends meet.

At the same time, I started having conversations with individuals and couples. Not knowing much about how to monetize those efforts, I did it mostly as a service to the community.  

Meanwhile, my marriage was not going well.  I was trying to keep my family together but it was rough going.

I knew I did not have many options while living in Costa Rica, away from my family. Yet, I promised myself I was not going to let the difficulties in my relationship rob me of my personal joy.

Therefore, although I was not happy as a wife, I was able to keep growing as a mother and flourishing as an individual.

After an interval of 11 years in Mexico, where I saw my children grow and thrive, we moved to the USA permanently in 1997.

By then I was a Marriage and Family Therapist. For 27 years I had stayed in a very joyless marriage where the only plus side were my two children.

Being a relationship expert already I had tried everything I knew to make things better. But no matter how hard I tried, nothing worked!  

Finally, I decided to divorce and move from Michigan to Texas. Talk about a big transition! 

It was not easy to feel I had failed at what I was an expert on.

Yet, fast forward several years and I met a wonderful man who was committed for us to show up, own up, and grow up together.

We have been married for more than 10 years now and our connection, joy, and intimacy only gets better each year. 

I started a doctoral program at the end of 2000, and by 2004, at the age of 52, I completed a PhD in Interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis on leadership development, adult learning, dialogue, and change.

A year later I moved to Germany for 2 years in a totally different adventure as a contractor for the USA military doing Marriage and Family Therapy for soldiers and their families at the Army Airbase in Wiesbaden.




As you can see, I have had to wade through all kinds of transitions all my life (cultural, personal, work and relationship). This has given me a unique experience on the ups and downs of transitions. It also gave me a life-long passion for learning everything I could about change. Because of my extensive training, and through working with thousands of women, I have discover how it's possible to live a thriving life no matter the circumstances. That’s how I developed THRIVE Conversations. Now I want to share it with the world! I want to share it with YOU!

Effective Tips for Thriving During Life Transitions

Join me in this THRIVE Conversations® Mastermind Circle that will help you navigate transitions, relight the spark of hope and bring joy and success back into your life.

This is my coaching conversations for women who want to get out of their old comfort zone, stop spinning their wheels in the “no man’s” zone, and start living their new dream.

It is a unique series of Modules and coaching conversations (one every-other-week) that will help you take a deep dive into yourself.

Having the right mindset and attitude is the foundation for a thriving life.

Clients have told me that before we worked together they were stuck thinking that a happy fulfilling life wasn’t even an option for them anymore.

This series of conversations are for you if you are so stressed out by your transition that you can’t envision yourself being calm and joyful.

This series of conversations are for you if you are feeling alone and with no support coming from anywhere.

This circle is for you if you are currently so busy and stretched out that you hardly take time for yourself or for fun anymore.

This space is for you if your days have morphed into something that feels, in the best of days chaotic and stressful, and in the worst of days as if you are your worst enemy!


How are this conversations different?

This space for reflective conversations will offer you a perfect moment away from families, partners and work.

You will be bale to release stress and fear, break free of limitations and reactivate your true feminine power to thrive during change.

The program combines audio/video and reading materials with live coaching calls. It’s based on research, ancient wisdom, and personal experience. We will take two weeks for each letter of THRIVE. The program will explore. . .

T-Transition Time 

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Explore what transitions are, what is your specific style of dealing with transitions, how to design your own transition blueprint, and how to give yourself the time you need to navigate your transition.

Find how to transform the way you manage time. How relaxing and breathing even for just 10 minutes a day can calm your mind and help you get more done in the day. This investment of time comes back many times over.

You will learn how small and bigger “Sabbaticals” helps you be more productive.

The sabbatical is about rest and time to lean into those things you want to learn but find it difficult to engage as part of your regular life. A Sabbatical has a "time outside of time" quality and deposits you gently back in your regular life with a feeling of more space inside.

A Sabbatical is a retreat you plan for yourself. It can be a mini-Sabbatical in your busy day, a longer weekly one, or a couple of weeks or a moth inside your year.

You will be able to create your own flavor of a Sabbatical that works for you. Without taking time to reflect and reorient you’ll burn out. You can’t rush through a transition.

H-Healing Emtions and Holistic wellbeing


Learn how to listen to your body and to take care of it.

Wellbeing is the condition of being in optimum health. It is a holistic blend of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being--the result of consciously choosing to live a quality life.

You need time to take good care of yourself in order to handle the extra stress that a transition brings.

The path of natural health and wellness is a life-long journey that requires personal responsibility and commitment.

We will emphasize the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.

You will be able to recognize that what affects one part or system affects the whole body.

A holistic approach to wellbeing is multi-faceted and mindful of the consequences of your habits and actions.

We will especially focus on 7 pillars of a healthy life.



You will be able to change the emphasis or direction of your focus at will. You will learn. . .

  • what is the wheel of awareness and how it can guide you in your personal transformation..

  • how to direct your attention into awareness at any given moment.

  • how to monitor and modify where you direct your attention and stabilize your life in an integrated manner.

By refocusing, you will be able to turn discomfort into challenges and to reframe your life.


I-Inner Wisdom

Do you struggle with listening to your inner voice?

Do you doubt yourself and every inner signal you get?

On this conversation you will learn what is inner wisdom, how to pay attention to it, and how to let it guide you.

The trouble is, this inner knowing, wisdom, or intuition, is often covered up by louder interjections and contributions from the outside world, combined with inner negative self-talk, that masquerades as our wisdom. 

You will learn to distinguish what is what and to notice what’s going on inside, let go of judgement, and just observe and listen to any messages that arise.

Being alone in nature is one of the best ways to practice this. Your inner wisdom always has the simpler answer, the one you can easily understand and that makes sense to you.



Brain studies now reveal that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. 

Mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory.

So the brain is getting trained for actual performance during visualization.

It’s been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence and self-efficacy, improve motor performance, prime your brain for success, and increase states of flow – all relevant to achieving a thriving life!

You will learn how to establish a highly specific goal, and then imagine the future as if you have already achieved your goal.

By engaging as many of the five senses as you can in your visualization and by doing this consistently, you will more easily achieve what you want.



Most people want enough energy and vitality to live life to the fullest. You don’t want to feel drained, exhausted and stressed out all the time.

Energy is the fuel humans are designed to function on. We need regularly topped up, good quality energy for optimum health and wellbeing.

Your energy is an integral part of who you are and how you perceive the world. 

Everyone is familiar with energy and describes it in different ways. How many times have you said or heard others say ‘I feel full of energy’ or ‘I am low on energy’? You may have heard people speak of ‘having no energy left at all’?

In these last 2 modules of the THRIVE Conversations Inner Circle you will learn how to manage energy drainers and how to revitalize your energy for a thriving life.

Don’t loose another moment! Schedule and Appointment to see if you are a good fit for this program TODAY!

Here is how your life will look like after experiencing the power of THRIVE Conversations:

  1. A positive close relationship with yourself and your new life that works well.

  2. The personal satisfaction that comes from taking responsibility for your own happiness instead of complaining and giving in to negativity.

  3. An open communication style that creates understanding and connection with others.

  4. The trust and comfort of being able to navigate transitions successfully.

  5. The development of dreams into action and future accomplishments.

  6. A reawakening of a good connection with your spirituality and your best self that strengthens your self-respect and inner wisdom.

  7. Complete clarity on how to sustain your new happy thriving life.

Don’t wait another moment! Start today by scheduling an appointment to make sure you are a good fit for the program.