Words matter! Choose your word for 2023

When a new year is about to start, it’s wise to think about choosing a word as your special motto for the year.

It needs to be a word that resonates best with you for this coming year.

It might be collaboration. 

It might be healthy. 

Or it might be transformation. 

Or any other word that has a special meaning for you and that you want to focus on.

The reason why choosing a word as your focus is magical is because as you think in your heart, so you become.

If you read, meditate, plan, and take action around your chosen word, you will see yourself making changes and becoming more like your chosen word.

Let's say you choose the word diversity. Will you allow yourself to seek out someone, or even several people, whom you do not know; possibly people you know only as a stereotype?

Someone from a different religion or political affiliation?

someone whose race or culture is different than yours?

Your word could lead you to meet and engage in a heartfelt way and begin to know the person. You will then replace a stereotype and caricature with a real fellow human being. 

I encourage you to choose a word as your word for 2023. Then write in the comments what word you chose and why. 

Notice the subtle shifts in your life.

Notice new delight in life and joy in your encounters.

Your heartfelt word will open new windows for you.

You will be thinking, speaking, and acting with your word as a focus.  

Be prepared for your word to lead you into a rich and more textured life!

Happy New Year 2023!!

Ada GonzalezComment